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Welcome to Stamps2Go.com . . .

On-line since December of 2002, Stamps2Go is a unique concept to simplify the purchase and sale of collectible stamps ... making it possible to acquire a variety of stamps from different sellers ... all in one transaction!

Our dynamically updated listing contains 2,469,835 stamps available from 251 different sellers.

On behalf of our 17,752 registered users, we invite you to join us in the best philatelic marketplace on the web!

Stamps2Go is NOT your typical auction site. We provide a venue where collectors and dealers can list items for sale, and purchase stamps they need. Your purchase and payment is confirmed immediately.

Begin browsing NOW for stamps ...

United States

Or if you know the Scott Catalog number of an item you want, enter it here ...

Looking for a program to organize your stamp collection? Stamps2Go Assistant is a FREE stamp database program available for download.


Click on the 'Help' menu option above for a more detailed description of the Stamps2Go concept.

Stamps2Go requires JavaScript and First-Party Cookies for proper operation.

Your webmasters . . .

Paul Herman (orders@stamps2go.com)
Senior programmer and operations manager

Matthew Herman (orders@stamps2go.com)
User interface and graphical design/layout

Stamps2Go is an independent philatelic online marketplace,
and is not affiliated with or sponsored by the United States Postal Service.

Affiliated site FloridaNatureCoast.org