United States (196254) Mixed (2) US (Alaska) (1) US (Arkansas) (9) US (Arizona) (9) US (California) (14) US (Delaware) (6) US (Florida) (1) US (Hawaii) (8) US (Iowa) (2) US (Illinois) (2) US (Massachusetts) (2) US (Maine) (1) US (Michigan) (3) US (Missouri) (1) US (Minnesota) (2) US (Montana) (2) US (Nebraska) (6) US (New Jersey) (1) US (Nevada) (1) US (New York) (6) US (Ohio) (6) US (South Carolina) (1) US (Utah) (7) US (Virginia) (5) US (Washington) (7) US (Wisconsin) (9) US (West Virginia) (9) US (Wyoming) (5) US (Confederate States) (17) Abu Dhabi (20) Aden (729) Aden (Kathiri State of Seiyun) (241) Aden (Quaiti State of Shihr & Mukalla) (285) Aegean Islands (87) Aegean Islands (Calchi) (16) Aegean Islands (Calino) (19) Aegean Islands (Caso) (31) Aegean Islands (Coo) (21) Aegean Islands (Lero) (22) Aegean Islands (Lisso) (29) Aegean Islands (Nisiro) (38) Aegean Islands (Patmo) (46) Aegean Islands (Piscopi) (42) Aegean Islands (Rhodes) (333) Aegean Islands (Scarpanto) (39) Aegean Islands (Simi) (34) Aegean Islands (Stampalia) (31) Afars and Issas (93) Afghanistan (2317) Aitutaki (423) Ajman (2097) Alaouites (116) Albania (2939) Alderney (346) Alexandretta (28) Algeria (3647) Allenstein (116) Andorra (French Administration) (1817) Andorra (Spanish Administration) (247) Angola (2592) Angra (23) Anguilla (518) Anjouan (64) Annam & Tonkin (7) Antigua (2792) Argentina (14366) Argentina (Buenos Aires) (18) Armenia (657) Aruba (248) Ascension (1076) Australian States (New South Wales) (888) Australian States (Queensland) (560) Australian States (South Australia) (444) Australian States (Tasmania) (653) Australian States (Victoria) (896) Australian States (Western Australia) (538) Australia (54867) Australian Antarctic (1034) Austria (39671) Austria (Offices in Crete) (31) Austria (Offices in Turkish Empire) (252) Austria (Lombardy-Venetia) (202) Azerbaijan (665) Azores (1062) Bahamas (6140) Bahrain (936) Bangkok (3) Bangladesh (1060) Barbados (5722) Barbuda (706) Basutoland (401) Batum (60) Bechuanaland (65) Bechuanaland Protectorate (566) Belarus (595) Belgian Congo (3290) Belgium (39726) Belize (843) Belize, Cayes of (6) Benin (1045) Bermuda (7104) Bhutan (2142) Biafra (4) Bolivia (6242) Bosnia & Herzegovina (1061) Bosnia & Herzegovina (Bosniak Govt.) (24) Bosnia & Herzegovina (Croat Admin.) (116) Bosnia & Herzegovina (Serb Admin.) (94) Bozniak (Muslim Government) (106) Botswana (1149) Brazil (18622) British Antarctic Territory (342) British Central Africa (47) British East Africa (44) British Guiana (1776) British Honduras (1345) British Indian Ocean Territory (207) Brunei (1089) Bulgaria (15428) Burkina Faso (2620) Burma (1552) Burundi (2665) Bushire (2) Cambodia (2829) Cameroons (41) Cameroun (3514) Canadian Provinces (Brit.Col. & Vancouver Is.) (7) Canadian Provinces (New Brunswick) (141) Canadian Provinces (Newfoundland) (3765) Canadian Provinces (Nova Scotia) (159) Canadian Provinces (Prince Edward Island) (105) Canadian Provinces (Quebec) (1) Canada (76816) Canal Zone (2590) Cape Juby (40) Cape of Good Hope (730) Cape Verde (1057) Caroline Islands (33) Caribbean Netherlands (9) Carpatho-Ukraine (1) Castellorizo (8) Cayman Islands (2364) Central Africa (1522) Central Lithuania (466) Ceylon (5394) Chad (2633) Chile (8417) China (4547) China, Republic of (Taiwan) (3968) China (Northeastern Provinces) (223) China (Kwangsi Province) (1) China (Szechwan Province) (6) China (Yunnan Province) (4) China (Manchuria) (9) China (Sinkiang) (47) China (Taiwan 1945-50) (104) China Treaty Ports (Amoy) (1) China Treaty Ports (Chefoo) (8) China Treaty Ports (Chinkiang) (1) China Treaty Ports (Foochow) (1) China Treaty Ports (Ichang) (1) China Treaty Ports (Kewkiang) (1) China, Peoples Republic of (6273) Christmas Island (950) Cilicia (265) Cochin China (1) Cocos Islands (568) Colombia (8551) Colombia (Antioquia) (178) Colombia (Bolivar) (7) Colombia (Cundinamarca) (4) Colombia (Santander) (2) Colombia (Tolima) (1) Comoro Islands (717) Congo Democratic Republic (1422) Congo, Peoples Republic of (1548) Cook Islands (1483) Corfu (4) Costa Rica (4683) Costa Rica (Guanacaste) (13) Crete (157) Croatia (2866) Cuba (12201) Curacao (12) Cyprus (4447) Cyrenaica (308) Czechoslovakia (22123) Czech Republic (808) Czechoslovakia (Bohemia & Moravia) (1905) Dahomey (2707) Dalmatia (3) Danish West Indies (174) Danzig (2352) Denmark (32047) Diego-Suarez (28) Djibouti (695) Dominica (2459) Dominican Republic (2777) Dubai (571) East Africa & Uganda Protectorates (233) Eastern Rumelia (27) Eastern Silesia (56) Ecuador (5962) Egypt (10407) Epirus (161) Equatorial Guinea (736) Eritrea (1027) Estonia (2623) Ethiopia (1822) Falkland Islands (2375) Far Eastern Republic (108) Faroe Islands (2375) Fernando Po (54) Fiji (2975) Finland (23748) Finland (Aland Islands) (1255) Fiume (965) France (44576) French Offices in China (152) French Offices in Canton (105) French Offices in Hoi Hao (31) French Offices in Kwangchowan (309) French Offices in Mongtseu (Mengtze) (22) French Offices in Pakhoi (26) French Offices in Tchongking (Chungking) (13) French Offices in Yunnan Fou (44) French Offices in Crete (74) French Offices in Egypt (Alexandria) (202) French Offices in Egypt (Port Said) (135) French Offices in Turkish Empire (Levant) (234) French Offices in Cavalle (19) French Offices in Dedeagh (19) French Offices in Port Lagos (3) French Offices in Vathy (Samos) (6) French Offices in Zanzibar (15) French Reunion (1795) French Colonies (489) French Congo (77) French Equatorial Africa (1156) French Guiana (1110) French Guinea (582) French India (639) French Morocco (2832) French Polynesia (2479) French Southern/Antarctic Territories (1150) French Sudan (426) French West Africa (884) Fujeira (1116) Funchal (74) Gabon (1537) Gambia (1218) Georgia (340) German East Africa (144) German New Guinea (42) German South West Africa (88) German States (Baden) (303) German States (Bavaria) (6092) German States (Bergedorf) (11) German States (Bremen) (11) German States (Brunswick) (74) German States (Hamburg) (114) German States (Hanover) (90) German States (Lubeck) (12) German States (Mecklenburg-Schwerin) (6) German States (Mecklenburg-Strelitz) (5) German States (Oldenburg) (12) German States (Prussia) (276) German States (Saxony) (245) German States (Schleswig-Holstein) (51) German States (Thurn & Taxis) (327) German States (Wurttemberg) (2079) German States (North German Confederation) (345) Germany (113990) German Offices in China (182) German Offices in Morocco (184) German Offices in the Turkish Empire (279) German Democratic Republic (36646) Ghana (4774) Gibraltar (3130) Gilbert Islands (89) Gilbert and Ellice Islands (557) Gold Coast (1795) Grand Comoro (108) Great Britain (47717) Great Britain (England) (203) Great Britain (Northern Ireland) (807) Great Britain (Scotland) (1525) Great Britain (Wales & Monmouthshire) (1048) British Offices (Africa-Middle East Forces) (107) British Offices (Eritrea) (31) British Offices (East Africa Forces) (44) British Offices (Tripolitania) (29) British Offices (China) (67) British Offices (Morocco) (1668) British Offices (Turkish Empire) (203) Greece (23786) Greenland (2993) Grenada (5787) Grenada Grenadines (1757) Griqualand West (14) Guadeloupe (2113) Guam (79) Guatemala (3598) Guernsey (8666) Guinea (3862) Guinea-Bissau (966) Guyana (2051) Haiti (3732) Hatay (35) Hawaii (298) Heligoland (53) Honduras (2954) Hong Kong (8685) Horta (13) Hungary (49131) Hungary (Szeged Issue) (11) Iceland (16457) Ifni (693) India (16938) India (Intl Comm-Cambodia) (8) India (Intl Comm-Laos) (7) India (Intl Comm-Laos & Vietnam) (3) India (Intl Comm-Vietnam) (5) India (Conv. States-Chamba) (76) India (Conv. States-Faridkot) (1) India (Conv. States-Gwalior) (577) India (Conv. States-Jind) (107) India (Conv. States-Nabha) (70) India (Conv. States-Patiala) (383) India (Feudatory States-Bamra) (1) India (Feudatory States-Barwani) (2) India (Feudatory States-Bhopal) (135) India (Feudatory States-Bundi) (3) India (Feudatory States-Charkhari) (122) India (Feudatory States-Cochin) (550) India (Feudatory States-Dhar) (3) India (Feudatory States-Faridkot) (29) India (Feudatory States-Hyderabad/Deccan) (406) India (Feudatory States-Indore) (91) India (Feudatory States-Jaipur) (77) India (Feudatory States-Jammu/Kashmir) (9) India (Feudatory States-Jind) (12) India (Feudatory States-Kishangarh) (9) India (Feudatory States-Nandgaon) (6) India (Feudatory States-Orchha) (2) India (Feudatory States-Rajasthan) (2) India (Feudatory States-Sirmoor) (20) India (Feudatory States-Soruth) (32) India (Feudatory States-Travancore) (431) India (Feudatory States-Travancore-Cochin) (75) Indo-China (1927) Indonesia (10332) Indonesia (Riau Archipelago) (114) Inhambane (33) Inini (316) Ionian Islands (101) Iran (9110) Iraq (4017) Ireland (17420) Isle of Man (3034) Israel (12693) Italy (29095) Italian Social Republic (647) Italian Colonies (154) Italian East Africa (537) Italian States (Modena) (8) Italian States (Parma) (6) Italian States (Romagna) (4) Italian States (Roman States) (89) Italian States (Sardinia) (74) Italian States (Tuscany) (32) Italian States (Two Sicilies) (21) Italian Offices Abroad (92) Italian Offices in Peking (2) Italian Offices in Tientsin (2) Italian Offices in Crete (37) Italian Offices in Tripoli (49) Italian Offices in Turkish Empire (56) Italian Offices in Albania (11) Italian Offices in Constantinople (44) Italian Offices in Durazzo (3) Italian Offices in Janina (9) Italian Offices in Jerusalem (20) Italian Offices in Salonika (8) Italian Offices in Scutari (6) Italian Offices in Smyrna (12) Italian Offices in Valona (4) Italian Offices in Bengasi (3) Ivory Coast (1706) Jamaica (6444) Japan (48444) Japan Offices in China (7) Japan Offices in Korea (1) Jersey (5656) Jordan (2263) Karelia (135) Katanga (97) Kazakhstan (286) Kenya (2418) Kenya/Uganda/Tanzania (2860) Kiauchau (110) Kiribati (499) Korea (5834) Korean Peoples Republic (North Korea) (3007) Kosovo (67) Kuwait (1353) Kyrgyzstan (206) Kyrgyz Express Post (4) Labuan (255) Lagos (108) Laos (3942) Latakia (86) Latvia (1756) Lebanon (3928) Leeward Islands (911) Lesotho (970) Liberia (8081) Libya (1996) Liechtenstein (6666) Lithuania (2138) Lourenco Marques (199) Luxembourg (9838) Macao (1356) Macedonia (112) Madagascar (1047) Madeira (132) Malagasy Republic (4220) Malawi (1460) Malaya Federated States (879) Malaya (Johore) (654) Malaya (Kedah) (377) Malaya (Kelantan) (259) Malaya (Malacca) (208) Malaya (Negri Sembilan) (291) Malaya (Pahang) (237) Malaya (Penang) (463) Malaya (Perak) (700) Malaya (Perlis) (89) Malaya (Selangor) (848) Malaya (Sungei Ujong) (29) Malaya (Trengganu) (250) Malaysia (1401) Malaysia (Johore) (229) Malaysia (Kedah) (97) Malaysia (Kelantan) (104) Malaysia (Malacca) (136) Malaysia (Negri Sembilan) (153) Malaysia (Pahang) (139) Malaysia (Penang) (197) Malaysia (Perak) (250) Malaysia (Perlis) (39) Malaysia (Sabah) (166) Malaysia (Selangor) (370) Malaysia (Trengganu) (61) Malaysia (Wilayah Persekutuan) (45) Malaysia (Sarawak) (87) Maldive Islands (2747) Mali (1024) Malta (7976) Manchukuo (592) Mariana Islands (41) Marienwerder (111) Marshall Islands (1359) Martinique (1425) Mauritania (1373) Mauritius (3062) Mayotte (218) Memel (453) Mesopotamia (59) Mexico (20835) Micronesia (823) Middle Congo (294) Moheli (6) Moldova (269) Monaco (7441) Mongolia (4459) Montenegro (896) Montserrat (1777) Morocco (1111) Morocco (Northern Zone) (21) Mozambique (3383) Mozambique Company (1964) Namibia (503) Natal (688) Nauru (594) Nepal (1689) Netherlands (32577) Netherlands Antilles (3136) Netherlands Indies (3455) Netherlands New Guinea (292) Nevis (1639) New Caledonia (2738) New Guinea (159) New Hebrides (British) (509) New Hebrides (French) (315) New Republic (8) New Zealand (27763) Nicaragua (9227) Niger (1719) Niger Coast Protectorate (71) Nigeria (4293) Niue (873) Norfolk Island (1068) North Borneo (962) North Ingermanland (53) Northern Nigeria (81) Northern Rhodesia (727) Northwest Pacific Islands (16) Norway (29578) Nossi-Be (28) Nyasaland Protectorate (1096) Nyassa (974) Obock (90) Oltre Giuba (49) Oman (496) Orange River Colony (317) Pakistan (4103) Pakistan (Bahawalpur) (490) Palau (750) Palestine (512) Palestinian Authority (43) Panama (5495) Papua New Guinea (4774) Paraguay (7052) Penrhyn Island (419) Penrhyn (86) Peru (9540) Philippines (9517) Pitcairn Islands (1263) Poland (34672) Ponta Delgada (57) Portugal (17541) Portugal (Azores) (243) Portugal (Madeira) (245) Portuguese Africa (11) Portuguese Congo (44) Portuguese Guinea (494) Portuguese India (770) Puerto Rico (220) Qatar (1343) Qu'aiti State (18) Quelimane (23) Ras al Khaima (634) Rhodesia (1648) Rhodesia & Nyasaland (940) Rio Muni (80) Romania (28148) Romanian Offices in Turkish Empire (1) Rouad, Ile (57) Ruanda-Urundi (943) Russia (54141) Russia (Army of the Northwest) (15) Russia (Army of the North) (127) Russian Offices in China (13) Russian Offices in Turkish Empire (99) Russia (Wenden/Livonia) (5) Rwanda (2985) Ryukyu Islands (1272) Saar (3897) Saint Christopher (77) Saint Helena (1326) Saint Kitts (358) Saint Kitts-Nevis (1334) Saint Lucia (2570) Saint Marie de Madagascar (8) Saint Martin (18) Saint Pierre & Miquelon (2780) Saint Thomas & Prince Islands (1466) Saint Vincent Grenadines (Canouan) (10) Saint Vincent (3644) Saint Vincent Grenadines (802) Saint Vincent Grenadines (Bequia) (312) Saint Vincent Grenadines (Union Island) (148) Saint Vincent Grenadines (Mustique) (15) Salvador, El (3106) Samoa (1530) San Marino (5605) Sarawak (1109) Saseno (12) Saudi Arabia (1479) Schleswig (194) Senegal (2138) Senegambia & Niger (24) Serbia (1270) Seychelles (1335) Seychelles (Zil Elwannyen Sesel) (40) Shanghai (21) Sharjah & Dependencies (1166) Siberia (219) Sierra Leone (2072) Singapore (4953) Slovakia (1093) Slovenia (1042) Solomon Islands (1848) Somalia (1670) Somali Coast (2349) Somaliland Protectorate (297) South Africa (12377) South Africa (Bophuthatswana) (122) South Africa (Ciskei) (47) South Africa (Transkei) (147) South Africa (Venda) (87) South Arabia (66) Southern Nigeria (108) Southern Rhodesia (1810) South Georgia (375) South Russia (83) South Sudan (5) South West Africa (Namibia) (1701) Spain (23551) Spanish Guinea (433) Spanish Morocco (578) Spanish Morocco (Tetuan) (3) Spanish Sahara (719) Spanish West Africa (31) Sri Lanka (1960) Stellaland (4) Straits Settlements (2939) Sudan (1493) Surinam (2464) Swaziland (1038) Sweden (39383) Switzerland (33350) Syria (2435) Syria (Arabian Government) (9) Syria (United Arab Republic) (332) Tahiti (9) Tajikistan (148) Tanganyika (392) Tannu Tuva (541) Tanzania (4532) Tete (26) Thailand (7058) Thrace (141) Tibet (7) Timor (243) Tobago (71) Togo (5300) Tokelau (561) Tonga (1308) Tonga (Niuafoou/Tin Can Island) (150) Transcaucasian Federated Republics (71) Transvaal (934) Trieste (Italian Zone) (650) Trinidad (508) Trinidad & Tobago (3598) Tripolitania (212) Tristan da Cunha (985) Trucial States (1) Tunisia (4549) Turkey (13521) Turkey in Asia (49) Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (344) Turkmenistan (98) Turks & Caicos Islands (1415) Turks & Caicos Islands (Caicos) (57) Turks Islands (80) Tuvalu (1083) Tuvalu (Funafuti) (61) Tuvalu (Nanumaga) (63) Tuvalu (Nanumea) (28) Tuvalu (Niutao) (36) Tuvalu (Nui) (29) Tuvalu (Nukufetau) (37) Tuvalu (Nukulaelae) (45) Tuvalu (Vaitupu) (49) Ubangi-Shari (242) Uganda (1519) Ukraine (1010) Umm al Qiwain (1205) United Arab Emirates (934) United Nations (New York) (8883) United Nations (Geneva) (2131) United Nations (Vienna) (1437) United Nations (Kosovo) (7) United Nations (West New Guinea) (17) Upper Senegal & Niger (94) Upper Silesia (735) Uruguay (7734) Uzbekistan (419) Vanuatu (203) Vatican City (4694) Venezuela (9311) Venezuela (Guayana) (17) Viet Nam (1951-1954) (125) Viet Nam (South 1955-1975) (2376) Viet Nam (North, 1945-1948) (211) Viet Nam (North Republic, 1951 up) (3806) Viet Nam (Viet Cong, 1963-1975) (23) Virgin Islands (1273) Wallis & Futuna Islands (1398) West Irian (117) Western Ukraine (7) Yemen (2110) Yemen (Peoples Democratic Republic) (25) Yugoslavia (12365) Yugoslavia (Ljubljana) (57) Yugoslavia (Istria/Slovene Coast) (255) Yugoslavia (Trieste) (371) Zaire (651) Zambezia (27) Zambia (1770) Zanzibar (851) Zimbabwe (1953) Zululand (40)